воскресенье, 12 января 2020 г.


Nevertheless, Spinnin' and its executives simply disregarded Plaintiff's Work for Hire Agreement, and in July of , Spinnin', pirated Plaintiff's exact recording and commercially released "Samirs Theme" as performed by King Amir, which is still available for sale today 11 years later on Beatport, a leading digital music retailer specializing in dance music, as well as on Spinnin's YouTube channel, and Soundcloud page. Please remove your copyright notification as this is unauthorized. As a result of Defendants' actions, or lack thereof, Plaintiff has been damaged in an amount to be proven after an accounting has been conducted. Upon information and belief, since July 1, , Spinnin' and now through its parent company WMG, has and continues to reproduce, distribute, license, and otherwise exploit "Samir's Theme" in various configurations and through third party record labels as described above and such digital retailers and consumer facing platforms, including but not limited to YouTube, Soundcloud, Spotify, iTunes, and Beatport. On or about July 10, , Spinnin' commercially released a recording entitled "Samir's Theme " as a single performed by a duo known as "Firebeatz" "The Firebeatz version" , which Spinnin' licensed out repeatedly without authority to companies including but not limited to: The illegal reproduction and distribution of the infringing songs brought substantial popularity to Spinnin' and the infringing songs. firebeatz samirs theme

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In response to DashGo's takedown notice, Spinnin' knowingly committed a material misrepresentation by claiming that they licensed "Samir's Theme" not from Singletary as they had been claiming all along, but from another record company, Defected Records, who also had no rights to the popular club record. The Work for Hire Agreement, specifically addressed, covered, and included the musical composition and master recording entitled "Samir's Theme.

That the Court enters a declaration that the Defendants have no copyright interest in "Samir's Theme "or the derivatives thereof "Samir's Theme aamirs, "Samir's Theme ", and Samir's Theme Should you wish to discuss this with me please contact me directly.

Upon information and belief, van Kooten, de Graaf, and Spinnin' regularly transact business within the State of New York, have entered into contracts in the State of New York, contract to supply services in the State of New York and have committed tortious acts within and sqmirs of New York State causing injury to Plaintiff within New York State.

Swmirs amount of money due from Defendants is unknown to Plaintiff and cannot be ascertained without an accounting of all of the Defendants' financial records related to the infringing samris.

Upon information and belief, on or about January 21,unbeknownst to the Plaintiff, Spinnin' Records attempted to license "Samir's Theme" directly from Singletary, despite the fact that Singletary lacked the authority to do so. Nevertheless, Spinnin' and its executives simply disregarded Firegeatz Work for Hire Agreement, and in July of sairs, Spinnin', pirated Plaintiff's exact recording and commercially released "Samirs Theme" as performed by King Amir, which is still available for sale today 11 years later on Beatport, a leading digital music retailer specializing in dance music, as well as on Tgeme YouTube channel, and Soundcloud page.

This case is about one record company's and its executive's "obsession" with exploiting a recording called "Samir's Theme", which they know they don't own by commercially releasing and re-releasing it several times over a year period, despite the repeated and documented objections by the rightful owner of the track.

firebeatz samirs theme

Herewith we can confirm that we are the worldwide master owner and that we have the non-exclusive worldwide rights to for the use of the sample in the master in perpetuity. He changed the chords up a little pit with some pitch manipulation, and added an energetic vocal thdme chanting over just about the entirety of the breakdown. Additionally, licensees have reproduced and distributed the infringing songs.

That sound is matched on the low end by a punchy and fat bass kick that rocks a solid triplets pattern. Plaintiff suffered, and will continue to suffer, losses in an amount not yet ascertained but to be determined at trial.

Samir's Theme - Firebeatz | Shazam

In the alternative, Plaintiff is entitled to statutory damages, pursuant to 17 U. Recent Posts Recent Comments. Music Sidney Charles Feat.

Upon information and belief, the recordings: Plaintiff repeats and re-alleges each and every allegation of paragraphs thee through 65 as above as if fully set forth herein.

Plaintiff has no other plain, speedy or adequate remedy at law, and the injunctive relief prayed for below is necessary and appropriate at this time to prevent irreparable loss to Plaintiff's interests.

firebeatz samirs theme

Defendants, and each of them, have been unjustly enriched in an amount which ifrebeatz be precisely ascertained at this time, but will be ascertained according to proof at trial. Plaintiff is further entitled to attorneys' fees and costs pursuant to 17 U.

Songs like Samir's Theme by Firebeatz

Spinnin', de Graaf, van Kooten and WMG derived direct and substantial financial benefits from the infringements of Plaintiff's copyright. CJ Jeff — Insanity [Flashmob]. For damages suffered firebdatz Plaintiff as a result of the infringement complained of herein, as well as disgorgement of any profits attributable to their infringement, including the value of all gains, profits, advantages, benefits, and consideration derived by Defendants from and as a result of their infringement of Plaintiff's copyrights in "Samir's Theme".

Sign up to receive real-time updates. I note that Geoff is on copy. Music Steve Lawler Feat. Defendants' infringing acts were willful and deliberate and committed with prior notice and knowledge of Plaintiff's copyright. Themr Dalgas Larsen says:.

For costs and reasonable attorneys' fees pursuant to 17 U. As a result of their actions, Defendants are liable to the Plaintiff for willful copyright infringement under 17 U. The real energy is unleashed as the track drops, as the synth lead is creatively chopped up and pitched to different sounds. In the alternative, if Plaintiff so elects, in lieu of recovery of their actual damages and Defendants' profits, for an award of statutory damages against Defendants, for their acts of willful copyright infringement; 4.

I hope we can solve this asap.

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