четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


What I want to note here is that there is perhaps a fine distinction that should be made between violence and destruction. Keva planks are precision cut wooden building blocks. These structures led to a richer landscape for my imagination. Thanks to open-source programming, there are some very sophisticated and utterly engrossing ways for you to continue the cycle of Keva creation and destruction in the virtual world. When the tower ultimately topples over, there is a swell of noise not just from the collapsing blocks, but also from the assembled witnesses. The Keva planks pile up in a drift across the floor like a wave that freezes the moment it strikes the shore. Physical Keva structures can be rendered virtual, which can be made tangible again, which can then be folded back upon itself so many times that no one can predict what will emerge. bullet physics engine keva planks

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We often talk about violence in games and the media.


The diagram shows the figure in top view, side view, and front view. I have always loved those exploded-view diagrams of common objects.

Keva planks are precision cut wooden building blocks. The game comes with 20 planks and 30 puzzle cards. By weaving popsicle sticks in a specific pattern, you can create a mat that looks a lot like a trivet you would make in elementary school. Remove one specific stick and all the kinetic energy that went in to bending the sticks bul,et each other is released.

There must be a chance of failure.

bullet physics engine keva planks

When the tower ultimately topples over, there is a swell of noise not just from the collapsing blocks, but also from the assembled witnesses. There must be a tension in the construction of something, no matter if that is something physical like a stick bomb or something abstract like a chess strategy. The video is short, compressing the entire process to just over 3 minutes. And as those stakes are raised and challenged the tension mounts until it must be released, either tragically when a careless elbow destroys the tower before a record can be meva or triumphantly when everyone has had a chance to admire their handiwork before they enthusiastically swing a plumb-bob until the tower is nothing but a pile of wooden blocks.

Turns out, they also make for an interesting brain-teaser.

The sticks jump up off the floor with surprising force. As the puzzles get harder, the diagrams become somewhat more difficult to suss out, but the manual dexterity to build the ppanks becomes much more challenging.

These videos were made possible through an open-source physics engine called Bullet Physics and an open source 3d animation application called Blender which utilizes the physics simulation of Bullet Physics. On the puzzle side is shown a diagram of something the player needs to build.

Blender KEVA Planks Building - Bullet Physics Engine GIF

The Keva tower took around 10 hours to complete and consisted of over blocks of wood. Both of these programs are free. Instead of just pushing it bbullet, the creators allowed kids to swing a plumb bob at the structure to knock out the planks that comprised the base. First, check out this video of Keva structures bu,let low by toy balls and Newtonian physics. Even in the few seconds that we have in the video you can discern some of the logic behind the collapse. New shapes and configurations and material properties in the virtual world could result in new toys and building systems that we will be gifting to our grandchildren.

And here we find ourselves back at the undeniable fun and fascination that adjoins acts of destruction. Keva planks and Lego and Lincoln Logs and enngine of the other building props that I grew up with as a child were ways that I could turn the virtual world of my imagination into something tangible.

Although many of us at Major Fun liked playing with the challenge cards, just as many liked building our own structures.

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I would love to see a slow-motion, high-resolution video of that Keva tower as it succumbs to gravity. Keva Brain Builders lends itself to free play. It takes many swings to bring the structure crashing down and the tension is palpable as is the joy. The tower falls as if it has fainted. In preparing one of our upcoming Major Fun Award reviews, I came across a short video of the construction of a world record tower constructed out of Keva planks and its subsequent destruction.

I imagine that there will be many kids who will be perfectly happy to take the planks and make their own designs. I can in no way comment on the coding or any other technical aspect of these programs, however, I am thrilled that these tools are out there for kids and adults— for anyone who wants to build and play in a virtual environment that so closely mimics are own. The Keva planks pile up in a drift plansk the floor like a wave that freezes the moment phhsics strikes the shore.

For there to be fun there must exist stakes.

bullet physics engine keva planks

I had fun trying to come up with complicated designs that I would then draw in all three perspectives.

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